...should generally stay at a Bead Retreat. There's a vow of secrecy that should be required before you're allowed in. But since that didn't happen this last weekend, I'm telling ALL! Bwhahahaha!
Well, not really since I'm afraid of what they would do to me. But let's just say there were some amazingly inappropriate discussions that caused hooting and hollarin' in loud tones that included topics like: Just where is J pierced after all? What is up with G's yo-yo? And now everyone KNOWs that K is a slut for beads! There were some bottles being passed around and shots being thrown back on Saturday night. We didn't let the presence of a few guys stop us...poor fellows have now learned more about the female spieces than they'd ever wanted to know, I'm sure. And every once in a while, there was some beading done.
You'd laugh to see just how LITTLE beading I accomplished while I was there! Quite literally, one beaded end cap, and less than 2" of a beaded rope. Now, I also taught 2 classes, had about a bazillion folks from all over Texas, Colorado, Kansas, and who knows where else to catch up with. This group of ladies and I have been bead retreating together for years now, and it's such a joy to share their lives. And I was selling kits here and there too.
Sandy had tried to talk me out of teaching two classes this year because she wanted to make sure I would have enough time to enjoy the retreat. I resisted because I love teaching these ladies so much! But by the end of the weekend, I told Sandy that next year, I'm going to listen to her. One class only. There were too many conversations I missed. Too much exhaustion by the end. It's all part of my 2010 theme of finding more balance in my life. I'm usually either going on full speed ahead, or I've got the engine completely cut off. A happy medium is the new goal.
So I slept most of Monday in recovery. And Tuesday, there's something going on...hm...what is it again? Oh yeah! My birthday!
I plan on doing a slew of fun stuff all day long. Some personal shopping. A pedicure. Time browsing at the book store. Taking myself out to lunch (alone on purpose - no time constraints - sweet silence - I'm a good companion to myself.) A friend is taking me out in the evening to see Toni Price at the Continental Club and later, Malford Milligan at Antone's. Both are singers who used to live in Austin and moved away in the last few years. The fact that they're both performing here on my birthday is unbelievable!
Wednesday, it's back to work. Only 10 more days at that point until I leave for Tucson. Can it all be done? Will Jill maintain her sanity? Are there enough beads in the universe to make the number of kits Tapestry Beads needs? Stay tuned...