Sunday, June 21, 2009

Progress being made

Stand back! Actual project progress is being made here. You may be in danger of getting hit by a flying crystal or an out of control needle. Use caution.

Mom has been finishing a number of necklaces lately. Is she trying to show me up? She's had this vision of a triple Butterfly Kisses necklace, made out of Size 11 seed beads instead of the Size 8s, and I have to admit, I'm so in love with it, I think the kit may migrate to this version instead of the current one.

I've spent the last two nights wrestling a netted bracelet in the Huichol style to the ground. What I thought would be so simple to whip out, instead challenged me and made me learn new things. I love it when that happens! I finally have the skills to create it, the design tweaked to my liking, and seed bead choices I'm happy with. The final version is getting beaded tonight, and I'll share the whole ugly design process with you tomorrow since I have each and every little sample bit I made in pursuit of perfection. I'll leave it to you to let me know if I succeeded!

Also on tap for Sunday - work on assembling the Ikea furniture we bought last weekend. If we don't get it put together Sunday, then it will either sit here until Mom's well into recovery from her knee replacement, or I'll have to put it together myself.

Lastly, we've got a smallish amount of kits and patterns to make and print so I can get the boxes of goodies shipped to Tacoma for the Puget Sound Bead Festival. It's weird not doing that at the last minute and paying for 2-day shipping like the procrastinator, er, I mean deadline driven, person I am.

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