I had to stop for the night in Norman, Oklahoma. So near, but yet, so far from home. The travel home has been interesting. I've seen more bad car accidents than I care to - one for which I was parked on the highway for over 45 min. while they used the Jaws of Life to remove the top of the truck to get the guy out, and helicopter him away. It's hard to be upset at a delay like that because you know your time troubles are nothing compared to the way that man's day just turned out.
It was off and on raining the whole time which made the roads slick, of course. That probably accounted for most if not all of the accidents. I took the hint and made sure to be extra special careful while driving, slowing down, and deciding to pack it in for the day when we lost daylight. I'd like to be around next year at Bead & Button for the festivities once again, after all!
And today I woke to a most glorious and amazing thing: sunlight. And there was sun all day. ALL DAY! Oh, happy, joy, joy!
I'm originally from Wisconsin, so it pains me to hear and see all the flooding and tornado and storm damage in that part of the world. I feel it quite personally. I was certainly seeing a lot of overflowing rivers and streams and even ditches on the way home. I hope they'll get a break soon.
Tonight, I'm a happy girl because I found a Souper Salad restaurant that was still open nearby my hotel, and then there was a bookstore next to them...so I've got a healthy, cool salad to eat and all the latest bead magazines to keep me company for an hour or two until I fall asleep. Tomorrow I'll be sure and pop out of bed with pep in my step since I know it's mere hours before my reunion with the fur babies.
There's always a bit of post Bead & Button show blues, and I'm starting to feel it tonight. But the minute I get home, it will be back to work on all the projects and kits and samples for the next show down the road (Puget Sound Bead Festival, July 11-13) and once I'm back in the groove, I'll feel fine. And I'll already start looking forward to what I have in store for you guys in 2009! Anne made a suggestion for a class I should think about teaching, and I thought it was brilliant. I've got half the class written in my head already. Now if I can get it down on paper before it becomes vapor...